Information services

Service / Information services

In addition to the basic lending services the library also provides its readers and users with other information services:

  • Regional, factographic and bibliographic information
    The library makes available to it visitors information from its own electronic and traditional sources either orally or in written form. It provides information about the region, its history, figures and events, factographic information from all scientific disciplines and social life as well as bibliographic information about individual documents.
  • Consultation and reference services, assistance with literature search and selection
    Library staff will provide you with basic information about the library, its services, and its collections and also help you with finding your way around and searching within the on-line catalogue and the procedures for borrowing documents from the library collections or which piece of literature to select for a particular topic.
  • Research services
    Upon request, the library provides registered users with research services in selected information sources in the form of bibliographic records of selected literature on a given topic. There is a charge for this service.
    In case you would like conduct your research by yourself, we can provide you with simple instructions on how to do it.
  • Services for Children and Youth
    Children from kindergartens as well as pupils from elementary schools and students from secondary schools can all take advantage of our wide range of services and educational activities.
    For nursery schools and kindergartens in the town we offer organized library visits together with informational lessons as well as various events for little ones – creative workshops, story time (books read aloud), theatrical performances, and so on.
    For elementary school students we organize classes on information education, whose main goal is to provide them with an overview of the library’s collection, its individual sections, and to teach them how to find specific books on their own. In addition to this, we also prepare discussions with authors, creative workshops, theatrical performances, lectures, and exhibitions for schools.
    Every month we provide nursery school, kindergartens and elementary schools with a list of the month’s events, which are suitable for this age group.
    For secondary school students we also offer, in addition to basic information services, field trips focused on information education. These field trips last about 1 school hour and are free of charge. The content of these field trips is aimed at better acquianting the students with the past and present day history of the library, with the services it provides, how to search through the e-catalogue and on-line database, and to basically kow how to find their way around the library.
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